Orioles Card "O" the Day

An intersection of two of my passions: baseball cards and the Baltimore Orioles. Updated daily?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Jim Dwyer, 1988 Fleer #558

When Jim Dwyer arrived at the ballpark that afternoon, Billy Ripken offered him a coffee. Jim was running late for his photo shoot with Fleer, so he accepted it gladly and gulped it down in no time. There was something odd about the flavor, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Ten minutes later, as he posed with his bat resting on his left shoulder, he had a sudden and awful realization. Billy had done it again.


Cory said...

Or else he just realized that coffee is moving really fast toward quick rush to the bathroom.

Rob said...

That was such an ugly baseball card set too...

Kevin said...

Cory - Either way, this card makes you wonder what the rejected photos of Jim Dwyer looked like.

Rob - It's never been one of my favorites, but next to the gray-with-white-pinstripes 1989 Fleer, it looks like 1953 Topps.