Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tom O'Malley, 1987 Topps #154

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, I went and found an O'Malley for you. Tom O'Malley was a star in the minor leagues, struggled in his various trials in the majors, and was an absolute masher in Japan. To my knowledge, he never played in Ireland.

I hope you enjoyed yourself today, no matter what you did and what your heritage may be. I have a history of March 17 adventures; in 2002, I was in Toronto with three of my closest friends enjoying ringside seats at WrestleMania. Three years ago, I escaped an especially late Maryland ice storm, slipping away to Fort Lauderdale with my father to catch a few Orioles spring training games. Tonight wasn't nearly as grandiose as all of that, but it was a fun evening nonetheless. I did a pub crawl in downtown Annapolis with my girlfriend and a friend of ours, and still made it home early enough to collapse into bed at a reasonable hour. But before I wander off to sleep, I'd like to raise a figurative glass of green beer to all of you. Cheers.


  1. girlfriend and a friend of ours, and still made it home early enough to collapse into bed at a reasonable hour.

    Wait... what?

  2. Were you at the game where they gave away green O's hats? My friend who is an A's fan wears his as a compromise when I drag him to an O's game.

  3. Bob - You didn't catch that? I've made a few other references to the girlfriend in recent months. We've been together since November and things are going well. * knocks wood *

    Pete - I was not. I got one of the purple hats on NFL Draft Day.

  4. I knew about that. I was being a wise guy in reference to the 'friend' and falling into bed.... Nevermind. I was a poor attempt at humor not that I think about it.

  5. Bob - I thought that may have been your intent, but I flipped a coin and guessed wrong. Sorry!
