Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Damon Buford, 1993 Score Select Rookies and Traded #149T

It's a good thing that Damon Buford's bat is clearly labeled "BUF" on the knob. There's no telling what would happen if he were to accidentally pick up one of Leo Gomez's bats. I hear that Leo had a hair-trigger temper, and was capable of beheading another man with the simple flick of a wrist. Better safe than sorry.

This is probably a good time to remind you that I am prone to flights of fancy, and that Leo Gomez is not in fact a violent psychopath.


  1. Are you sure? He wore the same kind of glasses and David Koresh and Terry Nichols....

  2. Leo signed a card for me when I was a kid - a true gentleman. Or so he would have me believe...

  3. I once saw Leo Gomez crush a child's skull with his bare hands simply because he was wearing a Brewers hat.

  4. Ryan - Ooh. Good call. But he didn't wear them all the time...what a wild card!

    Rob - Just be grateful you lived to tell the tale.

    Zach - This comment made me laugh out loud when I checked my email at 6:00 this morning. That's quite a compliment, believe me.
