Sunday, April 25, 2010

Eddie Murray, 1987 Fleer Limited Edition #31

More and more, I have friends and family asking me what on Earth I find to talk about in this blog when the Orioles are playing so dreadfully. I don't know what to tell them. It's not fun talking about the current team when they're finding each and every way they can to lose. I don't feel like writing about much of anything. I can reach back into history and remember better times, or just talk about the card I've scanned on its own merits. Maybe I'll talk about my own life, but it hasn't been all that exciting lately.

Today I'm throwing in the towel, so to speak. Eddie Murray is going to stare down the pitcher, tighten his grip on the bat, and reach through time and space to will the O's to a late tiebreaking run and a rare-as-an-eclipse win in Fenway Park. If he doesn't, at least I have a distraction. I'm taking a mini-road trip to Easton to see one of my favorite musicians, folk artist Richard Shindell.

I have to keep telling myself that some day my favorite team won't spur me to flee the county.


  1. That game today was hard to watch. I saw innings 7-10 and was seriously surprised when they O's DIDN'T blow their 3-run extra innings lead...though they tried.

  2. William - I hopped in the car when Trembley finally pulled Jim Johnson, so I heard the final two outs on the radio. Thank goodness for Cla Meredith, otherwise I may have driven off the road!
