Friday, January 1, 2010

Vintage Fridays: Dave McNally, 1972 Topps #344

As this card depicting Dave McNally at two vastly different times in his life shows, the years go by in the blink of an eye. A couple of readers have already made the connection, but today marks this blog's second anniversary. When I started posting, I was hoping that I would be able to motivate myself to write something - anything - each day for the foreseeable future. 730 posts later, I'm still here and so are you, which means that I must be doing something right. As I begin another new year of observations on life, baseball cards, and the Orioles, I hope that you'll all be with me for the duration. I don't want much in 2010. If I can muddle through with health, happiness, security, friends and family, and a competitive season for the O's, I'll consider it a success. I wish the same things for my supportive and generous readers and commenters. I'll be back tomorrow...but you probably suspected as much.


  1. Thanks for still being here. You do fine work. Congrats.

    I'm surprised by the handful of card blogs that each began on January 1. Everyone is so punctual.

  2. Congrats Kevin and Happy New Year.

  3. When is Sam Bowens' turn? :)

    Great blog, keep it up (I like the Vintage Fridays segment).

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Delete Comment From: Orioles Card "O" the Day

    Blogger Rounding Thirty 3rd said...

    Your daily persistence is well appreciated. This is the one venue where I can get a daily dose of the Orioles without fear or trepidation of what I may learn. Hopefully the fortunes of our team will soon change, and the daily papers will offer as much enlightening news as you provide.

    Best wishes for you in the New Year!

  6. Congrats, I think I first discovered your blog about a year and a half ago. I've been checking it every day since, keep up the great work. And Happy New Year!

  7. Thanks for the kind words, all!

    Night Owl - Yeah, the January 1 start date was certainly deliberate on my part. I had no idea that other bloggers did the same.

    Jim - I'll have to get to him soon. I do take requests now and again.

    Tim - I don't think there's any question that the O's will be better in 2010 than they were in 2009. The question is how much they'll improve.
