Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jim Palmer, 1984 Ralston Purina #23

Because I occasionally do requests, this card is being posted at the strong urging of regular reader Bob, a.k.a. "Commish". He pointed out that the Jim Palmer jersey swatch card that I featured in June served to spark a five-game winning streak by the O's, and that the beleaguered Birds could use all the help they can get right now. I can't argue with that logic!

One of the great things about Palmer's cards is that an especially high percentage of them seem to feature him without a hat, as though the master pitcher were so preoccupied with his own matinee idol good looks that he wouldn't dare sully them by covering up his chestnut locks with that vulgar tri-colored cap with its leering cartoon bird. And who was going to tell him to get himself in full uniform? Who would dare? Some two-bit photographer from Topps? Ha. I think not.

So come on, Jim. Use all the Samson-like powers of your unruly coif to will the Orioles to victory.


  1. Well, we are down 5-4 in the 8th, but I'm not giving up..... yet

  2. Jim Palmer is exactly the type of player we need today.

  3. OMG!!! HE IS SO FUCKING HOT AND SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111

  4. I know you are a bit too young Kevin, but the 80's was epitomized by large, unruly manes (mine included).

  5. Bob - If Terry Crowley could give our righties any advice on hitting JP Howell's changeup, we may have pulled it out.

    Big D - Yeah, we could use about ten of him.

    Tim - Eddie Murray agrees.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Seriously folks, whoever "anonymously" posted the last photo needs to grow up.

  8. Missed the picture. I take it that it WASN'T a 'Jim Palmer in his Jockey's' shot.
