Sunday, March 15, 2009

Harold Baines, 1994 Studio #121

I can't believe I beat Steve to this one. Today is Harold Baines' fiftieth birthday. I'm not entirely sure that he couldn't still bat .300 with 15 home runs, but the White Sox seem content just to have him on the coaching staff. Their loss, I'd say.

Actually, March 15 is a busy day for Oriole birthdays. Also born on this day were third baseman Mike Pagliarulo (49 today) and utility player and current Nationals camper Freddie "Boom Boom" Bynum (29 today). Between them, the three birthday boys hit 115 home runs for the Birds. Of course, 93% of those longballs came off the bat of Baines, but who's counting?


  1. He may come out of retirement to school Gordon Beckham, who didn't know who Harold was.

  2. I heard about that! How embarrassing.
