Monday, January 26, 2009

Curt Schilling, 1990 Score #581

You might not know that Curt Schilling was born in Anchorage, Alaska. It goes without saying that his hometown gets plenty of snow every year. Right about now, I wish they'd stop hogging it all and share a little with the Mid-Atlantic region. They're calling for snow tomorrow, but the timetable has been pushed back to "before noon", which means that it will just potentially make my commute to and from work especially annoying, rather than precluding me from even leaving the house to go to work. Sure, I just had a four-day weekend last week (Monday's MLK holiday and Tuesday's Inauguration), but I could always use another day off. This is looking like a busy work week, which is never fun. Besides, I want snow. They're calling for three inches, which is just plain piddly. We had a warm, green-and-brown Christmas. There have been plenty of miserable, 40-degree rain storms. We've had a few random flakes here and there that don't even qualify as flurries. There was a bit of white stuff early last week that I could generously describe as a dusting. Maryland, particularly the areas surrounding Baltimore, is no winter wonderland. I want to be buried, and revel in my hermitage.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go change into my pajamas, which will be inside-out. Do kids still do that when they want snow?


  1. Yes, they do still do that. My daughter's been turning her PJs inside out all winter, and she's been quite successful. There have been three or four school closings already this year and several other two-hour delays.

    We have 3 feet of snow on the ground where I am (no lie!). I've been moaning about it on my blog for a couple of days.

  2. I wish I could give you some of our snow from up here in New England, I don't think my back can handle any more shoveling...

  3. I think Calvin from Calvin & Hobbes does that too?

  4. Night owl - Wow, you truly are buried! Best of luck digging out.

    Shane - Hmmm...shoveling would be the downside. Still beats spending all day on the phone, though.

    Sacbunt - I believe you're correct. Calvin also made pagan offerings to the snow gods on at least one occasion.

  5. What exactly do you do for a living? I still think you should be an Orioles beat writer, you'd be sick at it [and then I could say I read your writings before you made it big].

  6. As you know by now, we agree with William, except maybe more historian than beat writer.

  7. Thanks, William and Patricia! I'm currently involved in data entry and research for a magazine. Not terribly glamorous, but it pays the bills as they say.
