Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Jay Gibbons, 2002 DAV #13

I want to turn back the clock.

I want to root for the Rule 5 kid made good, the hidden gem plucked from Toronto's organization to hit booming home runs out to Eutaw Street.

I want to remember a time when my teenage sister had just discovered the Orioles for herself and decided that she would become an Oriole wife, and that the goofy-looking redheaded guy would be good for her.

I want to smile as I read about the relief that he felt upon signing his lucrative new contract, because he had just gotten married and things were looking up in every aspect of his life.

I want to admire the young player who was so respected by his teammates that he was named their representative to the Players' Association. He faced the reporters and answered their questions when the team was thrown into turmoil by a steroid suspension for a popular veteran.

But there's no time machine in baseball. You can dress the players up in classic uniforms, play 1960s music on the PA system, but you can't undo what's been done.

What can be done is to create a better future. Admit your mistakes (to an extent). Go out on the field and earn back your job. Prove that you can do everything you've done and more without those "shortcuts". Give us a reason to root for you again.

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