Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Chris Sabo, 1994 Collector's Choice #485

Pitchers and catchers reported to the Orioles' Spring Training facility in Fort Lauderdale, Florida today...not a moment too soon. I hate - hate hate hate - winter. Maybe it's because I was born in August. Maybe I have Seasonal Affective Disorder; who knows? But the miserable freezing rain that tripled my commute time home last night sure isn't doing anything to dissuade me. Spring is coming. Soon we'll have more daylight, warmer weather, blooming trees and flowers, and of course, baseball. I've pulled out a card featuring Chris Sabo in all his Rec-Specs glory, going through the paces of a Spring workout in 1994. I'm also going to take this opportunity to post the rather fitting lyrics of the song "Spring", by one of my favorite musicians, folk singer Richard Shindell:

The day will begin like any other
Another sunrise in the east
It will reach across and touch you like a lover
It will tease you from a dream

And opening your eyes you will surrender
To the light that fills the room
And the hope that you have carried since September
You will offer up to June

Maybe will be certain
You can take it as a vow
Winter’s just the curtain
Spring will take the bow

Looking out your window you will wonder
At the blooming in your yard
And every opening flower will be a mirror
Of the quickening in your heart

Maybe will be certain
You can take it as a vow
Winter’s just the curtain
Spring will take the bow

The day will begin like any other
Another sunrise in the east
It will reach across and touch you like a lover
It will tease you from a dream
You won’t remember

Maybe will be certain
You can take it as a vow
Winter’s just the curtain
Spring will take the bow

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